
Packager plugins are responsible for combining all of the assets in a bundle together into an output file. They also handle resolving URL references, bundle inlining, and generating source maps.



This example shows a Packager that concatenates all of the assets in a bundle together. The traverseAsset method of a Bundle object traverses all assets within the bundle in depth-first order. The getCode method is called on each Asset to retrieve its contents.

import {Packager} from '@parcel/plugin';

export default new Packager({
async package({bundle}) {
let promises = [];
bundle.traverseAssets(asset => {

let contents = await Promise.all(promises);
return {
contents: contents.join('\n')

Loading configuration


Loading configuration from the user’s project should be done in the loadConfig method of a Packager plugin. See Loading configuration for details on how to do this.

Note: It's important to use Parcel's config loading mechanism so that the cache can be properly invalidated. Avoid loading files directly from the file system.

Source maps


Source maps help developers when debugging compiled and bundled code in the browser by mapping locations in the compiled code back to the original source code. In addition to combining code into a final bundle, Packagers are responsible for combining source maps from each asset into a source map for the bundle.

Parcel uses the @parcel/source-map library for source map manipulation. See Source Maps for more details on how to use it.

The getSourceMapReference function passed to Packager plugins can be used to insert a URL to the source map within the bundle contents. Parcel takes care of generating inline source maps when appropriate (e.g. following sourceMap options in Target config).

import {Packager} from '@parcel/plugin';
import SourceMap from '@parcel/source-map';
import {countLines} from '@parcel/utils';

export default new Packager({
async package({bundle, options, getSourceMapReference}) {
let promises = [];
bundle.traverseAssets(asset => {

let assets = await Promise.all(promises);
let contents = '';
let map = new SourceMap(options.projectRoot);
let lineOffset = 0;

for (let [code, map] of assets) {
contents += code + '\n';
map.addSourceMap(map, lineOffset);
lineOffset += countLines(code) + 1;

contents += `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${await getSourceMapReference(map)}\n`;
return {contents, map};

URL references


Transformer plugins may leave references to dependency IDs in the compiled code (see URL dependencies in the Transformer docs). Packagers should replace these references with the URL of the generated bundle. This can be done using the replaceURLReferences function in @parcel/utils.

import {Packager} from '@parcel/plugin';
import {replaceURLReferences} from '@parcel/utils';

export default new Packager({
async package({bundle, bundleGraph}) {
// ...

({contents, map} = replaceURLReferences({

return {contents, map};

Bundle inlining


Parcel supports inlining the contents of one bundle within another. For example, the compiled contents of a CSS bundle could be inlined as a string within a JavaScript bundle. See Bundle inlining for details.

Bundle inlining is implemented in Packager plugins. A getInlineBundleContents function is passed to Packagers, which can be called to retrieve the contents of an inline bundle.

Transformer plugins may leave references to dependency IDs in the compiled code (see URL dependencies in the Transformer docs). If these end up referring to an inline bundle, they should be replaced with that bundle's contents. This can be done using the replaceInlineReferences function in @parcel/utils.

import {Packager} from '@parcel/plugin';
import {replaceInlineReferences} from '@parcel/utils';

export default new Packager({
async package({bundle, bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents}) {
// ...

({contents, map} = replaceInlineReferences({
getInlineReplacement: (dependency, inlineType, contents) => ({
to: contents

return {contents, map};

Relevant API


SymbolResolution parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1231

Specifies a symbol in an asset

type SymbolResolution = {|
  +asset: Asset,

The Asset which exports the symbol.

  +exportSymbol: Symbol | string,

under which name the symbol is exported

  +symbol: void | null | false | Symbol,

The identifier under which the symbol can be referenced.

  +loc: ?SourceLocation,

The location of the specifier that lead to this result.

Referenced by:
BundleGraph, ExportSymbolResolution

ExportSymbolResolution parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1245

type ExportSymbolResolution = {|
  +exportAs: Symbol | string,
Referenced by:

Packager parcel/packages/core/types/index.js:1649

type Packager<ConfigType, BundleConfigType> = {|
  loadConfig?: ({|
    config: Config,
    options: PluginOptions,
    logger: PluginLogger,
  |}) => Async<ConfigType>,
  loadBundleConfig?: ({|
    bundle: NamedBundle,
    bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
    config: Config,
    options: PluginOptions,
    logger: PluginLogger,
  |}) => Async<BundleConfigType>,
    bundle: NamedBundle,
    bundleGraph: BundleGraph<NamedBundle>,
    options: PluginOptions,
    logger: PluginLogger,
    config: ConfigType,
    bundleConfig: BundleConfigType,
    getInlineBundleContents: (Bundle, BundleGraph<NamedBundle>) => Async<{|
      contents: Blob
    getSourceMapReference: (map: ?SourceMap) => Async<?string>,
  |}): Async<BundleResult>,
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